MARNHAM once shared an office with
Auberon Waugh. For this, he deserved, but
didn't get, a prize. His latest book, So
Far From God ... A Journey To Central
America did win the 1985 Themes Cook
travel writing award and has just been
published In paperback by Penguin. The
Marnham cv reads approximately thus:
mid-1960s flunked out of final Bar exams
and lands job with fledgling Private
Eye; hitchhiking to Nepal in 1968
provides basis for first book, Road
To Kathmandu; a study of independent
Africa, Fantastic Invasion, is
the second.
Marnham travels light but
carries a pen which can strip the flannel
from what he encounters and frequently
offers fresh and provocative angles on
his subject.
The Journey described in
So Far From God ... lasted three
months and included Mexico, Guatemala,
Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua. He
travelled by bus and, despite
predictions, didn't get killed.
His view of Nicaragua
contrasts strongly with that of others I know
who've been there. Marnham disliked the
Sandinistas with their (he claims)
censorship of the media, control of the
judiciary and hounding of priests; he
pays little heed to the stretching of
their resources by having to guard
against a threatened invasion by the
US-backed Contra.
Still, the author insists
that his is "a personal view but
accurate in as far as it was my
experience. My chief pleasure is . I'd
rather just leave as this
happened this way without saying
therefore the following things are right
or wrong. I'd rather just describe
And with a new age of
travel writing apparently us Marnham's
description is often among the genre's
most lucid.