



The Waitresses

1983 Sounds


THERE WAS I, embroiled in a day's leisurely poaching in the Oxfordshire countryside when who should I cross twelve-bores with but Waitress man Chris Butler, attired in tweed jacket and oversized plus fours and generally posing as an English squire whilst primarily engaged upon the serious business of finishing the second Waitresses LP at the famed Manor studio.

Also thusly employed are the mad eyed reed-blower Mars Williams, the ever breakfasting Billy Ficca and producer Hugh Padgham, the other group members having already metal-birded their way back Stateside.

We retire to said cushy billet for a pheasant sandwich, a tankard or two of high class claret and a spot of banter.

A philosophical starter why are you here?

Chris: “Working here rather than in the States is actually cheaper in terms of pound against dollar and we tried every studio in New York without finding the right one."

To continue reading this article and to discover many more (over 140,000 words-worth!), purchase Mick Sinclair’s Adjusting the Stars: Music journalism from post-punk London. 


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