Mean Fiddler
not have been a surprise to find the
first Violent Femmes in London gig for
some time attended by a large proportion
of the city's resident American students.
The Femmes music provides the perfect
campus soundtrack.
best songs chart sexual frustration,
social disillusionment and the various
traditional problems that the young,
white middle classes face while growing
up in the world's greatest democracy.
a mark of the Violent Femmes' cultural
precision that they have won such an
enthusiastic audience among these very
people. In addition, the three Femmes
onstage are as cute and kooky as anything
on Sesame Street, albeit discreetly
crossed (if we find out who threw
that glass we're gonna kill them)
with a touch of Rambo.
as a non American, part of the Violent
Femmes' original appeal was their
idiosyncrasy: a three-piece format which
was plain odd and an attitude
aggressively irreverent. The most
memorable numbers being those in which
the melodies danced along a razor's edge,
propelled by a guitar with its throttle
jammed open.
But know
I'm not alone (although tonight I
probably was) in regarding the first
Violent Femmes. LP as a minor miracle
which the subsequent two have failed to
improve upon. The group now seem to have
become victims of that very perversity
which was at first so endearing. In
seeking to stamp their identity across a
vast chunk of America's musical heartland
they indulge in quasi gospel styles and
even stoop so low as to invite us to
boogie ... I like the idea but not the
most enjoyable aspect is an ability to
behave onstage as if they were back
rehearsing in a wooden shack in
Milwaukee. Vanity and the other
afflictions of the pop stage are not
something the Violent Femmes suffer from.
Even so I was still sometimes gripped by
the notion that somewhere here is a joke
which I'm not in on. And this is not a
pleasant feeling.
But the
crown whooped and hollered and
singalongaFemmes were numerous. After the
regular one hour set the group didn't
observe that quaint formality of leaving
the stage but stayed and eventually were
to play for an astonishing two and a half
hours, renditions of 'Surfin' Bird',
'Smoke On The Water, and 'I'm A Believer'
being as much a surprise to the group as
the audience.