THE '60s are responsible
for AIDS, unemployment, inner city riots,
illiteracy, the lowering of moral
standards and the decline of the family.
This is the view of some. It is not the
view of Brian Masters. This book was
written to allay the allocation of blame
for current social ills on the decade
which, thinks the author, finally dragged
Britain into the 20th Century.
describes the Britain that began the
1960s as a bastion of snobbery and
hypocrisy which had become the laughing
stock of the world. A place where the
'ordinary man' was merely a loathsome
concept to those who oversaw his destiny
and who sought to uphold double standards
of morality.
example, less stringent censorship was
applied to expensive hardback books,
heading for upper crust reading, than to
identical paperback editions within the
price range of the general public and
liable, therefore, to lead the masses
into depravity and corruption.
clearly details the wranglings in
Parliament and the courts in sections
dealing with censorship, homosexuality
and the Profumo affair. All of which, set
against a backdrop of hedonistic Young
Meteors being determinedly trendy, reveal
the 'old values' to be hideously
anachronistic and well out of synch with
the mood of society.
In the
theatre section he lets rip with a lively
and compelling account of the changes
that swept over the boards. In 1968 the
requirement for every play to be vetted
by the Lord Chamberlain ceased and was
the cue for an explosion of both the
wildly innovative and the downright
gusto in this chapter perfectly captures
the feeling of the time. There
was a stretching of possibility which the
stage had never seen. Masters was an avid
theatre-goer and suddenly fresh
experiences were everywhere. Some were
bad, some good but all were new.
particularly remembers the Liquid Theatre
which operated under London's Charing
Cross arches and would lead the
participating audience into advanced
states of relaxation which, Masters for
one, had never before sampled. The worth
of all this was open to debate but at
least it existed and added to life's
pop music is a barren topic for fresh
information. Perhaps because of this
Masters performs a rather perfunctory
description of the way the young usurped
the old as arbiters of what was 'in'.
Masters is informative, lucid and highly
readable. He compounds his view that the
'60s restored a national pride, a pride
brought about by the young in a country
"sustained as well as atrophied by
old age".