novel. While set in present time it
observes all of the conventions of the
traditional Gothic. It traces the tale of
Katsie, a 'liberated' young American
woman in the Australian homeland of her
intended husband. Together they are
combining sight-seeing and business,
visiting isolated sheep stations.
In the
treacherous Australian bush, storms beat
down constantly. With their car trapped
in mud, Katsie steps out and feels her
balanced and logical mind being prickled
and disturbed by dark forces that seem to
hover everywhere. The tension builds.
arrive at Ringarra and find the owner,
Michael Taverner, shooting a horse.
Taverner the Satanic lover of
Gothic lore has a murky past in
Rhodesia, is concealing a major fraud and
uses his demonic powers to evoke fear and
exert control. He delights in feeding his
foes to wild pigs. He also has the
requisite mad wife (she eventually hangs
herself and is discovered by Katsie in a
particularly chilling episode).
is besotted. Before the journey began she
had a strange dream of women joyously
having their throats cut and bellies
ripped out in sexual rapture. After
meeting Taverner she recognises herself
in the dream. She sees Taverner as
Captain Murder he'll possess her
and devour her. And she wants him to. But
she doesn't want to want him to ...
In the
physical and psychic battle with
Taverner, Katsie draws on her level
thinking (she's a highly qualified
mathematician) and the strength of her
Quaker upbringing (ahem!) but ultimately
it is her own terror that counteracts
him. In Gothic stylee she wins, although
the very ending is not the expected
Gothic finale ...
is a ripping read. Yet its author is
Professor Of English at Rutgers
University USA and the book stemmed from
a debate within the feminist caucus of
the Modern Language Association. In these
circles the traditional Gothic is a
subject of great interest and speculation
regarding possible feminist sub-texts and
Lansbury unpopularly considers the Gothic
to be 'female pornography' and set about
writing neither spoof nor critical study
but a serious Gothic wherein a commentary
on the form would be contained within the
context of the novel.
The book
is shot through with references to Jane
Eyre, Wuthering Heights et
al, and in many ways is a wickedly
insidious satire. As such it can amuse
but its thrills and chills are genuine
and beneath it all is a thinly veiled
Lansbury sits back to enjoy the
controversy and I'm still thinking
about it.